Thermador PRL486WDG Range Natural Gas Conversion Kit
September 20, 2024 · Posted in thermador

These brass orifices are a replacement for converting the Termador cooktop, rangetops and free standing stoves from Propane (LP) to Natural Gas. This set includes 10 orifices that are bored to size to fit this specific application for this specific unit. Thermador ranges come from the factory with a dual gas regulator rated at 10W. (Propane) and 5W. (Natural Gas) and they can be converted between natural gas and propane. Other manual adjustments might be necessary, so check your factory instruction manual. No other parts should be required to complete the conversion, so long as your stove uses a dual gas regulator. Ratings for the standard star burners is 15,000 BTU. Depending on the Thermador unit model number, other burners use a hooded orifice that might supply gas to a 15,000 BTU griddle (GD model), an 18,000 BTU grille (GL model) or an 30,000 BTU wok (WK model). These units have two broilers(that use the pointed orifices) rated at 6,500 BTU (small) and the larger broiler is rated at 22,600 BTU. The two ovens are rated at 22,000 BTU (large) and 12,300 BTU (small).